Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance Disclosure

The Directors are committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance commensurate with the size, stage of development and financial status of Ormonde and its subsidiaries. A description of corporate governance matters is routinely contained within the company’s annual reports and website.

The company applies the Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA) Corporate Governance Code. The QCA Code is constructed around ten broad principles and a set of disclosures that focus on the pursuit of growth in the medium to long-term, and a dynamic management framework accompanied by good communication to promote confidence and build trust.

The document below sets out the principles and application of the QCA Code, and a description of how Ormonde’s corporate governance practices comply, and, where they do not yet comply, provides an explanation.

Brian Timmons
Executive Chairman

This disclosure was last reviewed and updated on 31 July 2024.